Design & Planning

Our experience means the planning application process for your project will always be delivered smoothly.

Our architectural flair will make even the smallest job stand out from the crowd. Our innovative and sustainable designs can maximise your building’s efficiency and running costs and add value to your property

Most new buildings, major alterations to existing buildings and changes to the use of a building or piece of land will need some form of planning permission. This requires the submission of an application which includes documents and drawings describing the bulk, size, mass, scale and principle of the project for the local authority to consider and determine.

Depending on the complexity of the project, more specialist information may be required and our services can cover all these possibilities. However, not all projects require planning permission as some are covered under permitted development rights or lawful development.

We’ll use our knowledge and experience in the planning system to tell you exactly what your options are and how you can maximise your development opportunities.

The starting point of the design process is a measured site survey from which initial sketch proposals are produced. We will then work with you to develop these into final architectural drawings. We also prepare the planning package and make the submission to the local authority on your behalf.

The planning process is not always straightforward and, once submitted, we manage your application throughout the consultation period, keeping you informed at all times. Collaboration with the authorities can be key to an application’s success and we attribute our high rate of planning approvals to good negotiation and the determination and persistence to achieve a positive outcome.